Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And She's Off!

Blog?...What's this 'Blog' business?  Why do people blog?  This has been my quandary for the past couple years.  I thought a blog was simply a diary.  I suppose it can be but I suddenly realized it's potentially much more than that.

Yesterday I read the blog of a work associate (thanks Adrienne).  It was like a lightning bolt hit me...THIS IS THE MEDIUM FOR ME!!!   Since my adolescent years I've enjoyed writing short stories.  I majored in English (for one semester) in college but oddly enough I didn't have the mental stamina to do all the mandatory reading and writing that went with it.  I love the English language and the use of colorful words but for some reason I only thought of lofty projects, like writing a novel or actually working for a publication.  But those seemed too much like work.  I wanted to have fun.

Now I can Blog!  It's an outlet for getting my thoughts out and if anyone should stumble on it and enjoy it, then that's a bonus!

Anyway...enough of the preliminaries.  I wanna write some stuff!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I will take all the credit and gladly....I will warn you that it becomes addicting....:)