Saturday, July 2, 2011

Much To My Dismay

Here's a riddle...What makes humans the most social AND antisocial creatures simultaneously?   Answer: Blue Tooth phones.  I continually marvel at the technical advances that are made in communication.  At the same time they are worsening an already obnoxious human race.

If memory serves, there was a time when talking on the phone was a chore.  Women were stereotyped as being the gabby gossip mongers who tied up the lines with their silly banter.  These days men are equally guilty of said behavior.

Take for instance the simple task of walking through a parking lot toward your shopping destination.  While walking past a fellow shopper, they suddenly start speaking.  In your peripheral you don't see any other pedestrians so you assume they must be addressing you. As soon as you say, "Pardon me?" you realize they weren't speaking to you at all.  They were speaking to a chunk of equipment stuck in their ear.  You immediately feel like an idiot because you foolishly assumed they were addressing you.  In fact, I recently saw a commercial that depicted this very scenario.

It's now commonplace to see people apparently talking to themselves while driving, walking down the street, in the grocery isles, in a public rest room,...when in fact, they are talking on the phone.  This behavior has opened the door to a previously taboo habit of talking to myself.  YAY!  I can now carry on a conversation with me, myself & I and not feel one bit awkward about it.  I used to rehearse dialogues I planned on having while in the shower or ironing my clothes. Not anymore...the world is my podium!!!  


Adrienne said...

Yeah Kathy!! Awesome job!I so agree with this post. Can't tell you how many times I see the person in the car next to me talking to no one. I also can't get over the things people will talk about in public while on the phone. And I'm only hearing one side of the conversation!

Hi, my name is Melanie said...

Hehe... I always think blue-toothers are talking to me (is that a sign of confidence or arrogance). Ü

I wholeheartedly agree with Adrienne about some of the conversations you hear!