Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

Oh boy...I have a lot of catching up to do here.  Ask anyone who has known me at least 15 years.  I have dreams...LOTS of dreams, and many of them could have been drafted into screen plays or novels.  Obviously I haven't had the where-with-all to make those happen but now that blogging has entered my life, who knows what the future will bring?

I actually kept a library of dream deciphering books at my place of work.  Coworkers would consult with me if they needed a dream analyzed.  Dreams (especially mine) mystified me and I always thought there was some cosmic or psychic meaning behind them.  I have since come to realize that most of my dreams are typically derived from an obscure word, object or sight that I encountered earlier in the day.

I'll be using this blog to compile some of them.  I will start with one that did in fact have a psychic element to it.  It still gives me shivers when I recall it...

I was strolling through St. Joseph Cemetery in Niagara Falls NY when I came upon the mausoleum.    I entered the building to find a family gathered at the far end, obviously mourning over someone.  I sat quietly in a pew and waited until they were somewhat composed.  As I walked up to the group I saw that is was my friend Lisa and her family visiting the resting place of her step father.  I greeted them all and offered my condolences.

The morning that I woke up from that dream I started to go about my usual routine.  I retrieved the newspaper from the porch and brought it to the 'reading room'.  I glanced through the usual points of interest; front page headlines, police blotter and editorials.  When I arrived at the obituary page my jaw dropped.  There in print was a memoriam tribute to my friends step was the first anniversary of his passing!  I hadn't spoken to her nor would I have reason to remember the exact date of his death.  I was blown away~~~~~

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